The Grand National Recruitment Model

The Grand National Recruitment Model
The Grand National was on over the weekend and is arguably one of the biggest sporting events of the year on which people place bets.
It’s not my thing but I imagine a very small percentage of those who bet take into consideration many things prior to selection, unlike the majority who just choose a name they like.
‘Jockey, course conditions, previous results, time of day, breed, current form of the trainer, race distance etc.’
Similarly many business owners and HR professionals do their homework when selecting a recruitment agency in order to maximize the potential for them to recruit the very best candidate. They want to find out if the agency is a ‘good fit’ for their business.
‘What similar roles have you filled? What are your interview to placement ratios? What unique candidate resources do you utilise? What makes you different from the other 20 agencies who have approached me?’
Speaking about ratios, resources and numbers I would be happy to email ours across to you, they could be useful for benchmarking other agencies against.
Just send me an email at
About the author:
Adrian Cheesman is the Managing Director of Demob Job Ltd. Since 2005 Adrian and his team have been working with employers all across the UK who are struggling to find the caliber of engineering and technical staff they require to move their business forward.
For a FREE consultation on the specific ex-military profile which would be the ideal fit for your business call 0333 3445577.