Job Searching During Challenging Times

In these strange times in which we currently live many people leaving their Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force careers will be facing their first tour in the commercial sector without a job. 

Even those who have secured employment have received the disappointing news that their start date has been postponed or had their employment offer withdrawn as companies across the UK face the real prospect of survival. 

So, what do you do if you fall into this bracket? 

The simple answer is something, not nothing. 

‘Activity’ is key, it is in normal times and it certainly is now! 

Below are some suggestions to help you move your job search forward during this challenging time:

  • Check your CV, is it up to date? Can it be improved?
  • Revisit your LinkedIn profile, when a potential employer views it what will be their impression of you?
  • Search for relevant groups on LinkedIn which you can join.  These might include groups associated with your military background or your chosen commercial career sector(s).  Make an ‘introduction’ post in these groups, LinkedIn is a great place to softly promote your background and ask for help; we all know ex-military love helping each other.
  • Ensure your CV is online posted on the major commercial job boards, we recommend the following as a minimum:
  • Register with us at, it only takes a couple of minutes.
  • Search for and apply for relevant jobs, there are companies still recruiting so don’t stop applying!
  • Try and follow up those job applications, was your application received?  Make that call as people are still working from home.
  • Continue to complete your daily job seeker diary (or start one) listing your activities and any ‘positive’ news.  A great motivator to keep you moving forward.
  • Network with friends and colleagues across your social media platforms.
  • Finally, and most importantly, remain positive and keep up the activity.

Good luck!

If you are leaving your military career with an engineering or technical background please register your details on our site – just click here