Ex Military Job Search, use your mobile phone effectively
Top tips for ex-military on how to use your mobile phone effectively during your job search
Presented by Emma Saxton
In today’s #fridaysuccess video I’m taking things right back to the basics
And it’s all to do with this thing here, the mobile phone.
This is one of the most important pieces of kit to help you secure a job, but I’m always amazed at how many job seekers, are not utilising it to its full potential.
We spend a lot of our time here calling ex-military jobseekers to let them know about new jobs but so far this week we have counted 15 people who have failed to activate their voicemail and consequently we were unable to leave a message.
That’s a message about a job we believe you would be interested in.
So, as a recruitment consultant I will send an email and a text, but, just like employers, I am only human and might get distracted and move onto something else.
Do you really want to risk missing that all-important call?
Make sure your voice mail is switched on, test it, and record a professional short message as first impressions always count.