Even the most experienced get nervous
You might be surprised to find out that even the most experienced ex-military person gets nervous before a job interview. I recently coached David who had served his full 22 year Army career and was about to attend his very first commercial interview.
‘Adrian, believe it or not, I am quite nervous as I have not had an interview before’
Actually, on reflection, David agreed that he had been on plenty of interviews as he progressed his military career from being a junior soldier through to leaving as a senior manager. Interviews to secure promotion, interviews to secure specialist training etc.
Whenever one of my candidates brings this up I always remind them that being nervous is a positive thing, after all, it emphasises the importance they have placed on the interview. Remember myself and my team are dealing with jobseekers who have held long careers with one employer (Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force) and not skipped from one job to the next. They are looking to settle into employment within a company that acknowledges their ability to add value through their military experience, skills and work ethic.
Today our ‘nervous’ and ‘not so nervous’ candidates are adding value to businesses of all sizes throughout the UK.
Always happy to speak about recruitment, call me on 0333 3445577 or drop me an email at adrian@demobjob.co.uk
Best wishes
Adrian Cheesman
Managing Director
Demob Job Ltd
P.S. By the way David did secure the job, in fact my client came back to me and said he was the best candidate he had interviewed for a long time.